
Heuristics, relaxations and experiments for the Constrained Least-cost Tour Problem. Read the docs and try out the open-source code.

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Our code base leans heavily on networkx, geopandas and osmnx. The integer programming methods also require you to have access to IBM’s CPLEX optimisation studio (local or cloud).


Install with pip from GitHub:

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/PatrickOHara/CLT-problem.git

If you need to upgrade:

$ pip3 install --upgrade git+https://github.com/PatrickOHara/CLT-problem.git


We include two datasets: the pollution dataset and the Crucible dataset. You can see the raw files under cltproblem/datasets or use the load_dataset() function to return the processed graph:

import cltproblem as clt
G = clt.util.load_dataset('pollution')
H = clt.util.load_dataset('crucible')

Running the examples

Take a look at the examples directory.

Cite our work

Please cite our work as:

O’Hara. P., Ramanujan. M. S. & Damoulas. T. (2019). On the Constrained Least-cost Tour Problem. arXiv:1906.07754.


Patrick O’Hara - The Alan Turing Institute

Dr Ramanujan Sridharan - University of Warwick

Dr Theo Damoulas - University of Warwick


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
